Hello! What’s your background, and what inspired you to create Kit.Domains?

Hello! To start, we’d like to introduce ourselves.

My name is Victor, and I have been developing software solutions for over 15 years. During this time, I’ve worked on projects such as Vodafone Hosting, Monaco-Telecom, and many others. 

My wife, Alona, has been a marketing specialist for over 7 years and is also a Product Owner at one of the world’s largest CPA Network platforms (NDA prevents us from disclosing the product, but if you google “top 10 CPA Network platforms,” you’ll find it).

KIT.DOMAINS was developed through our joint efforts, making it a family project. 

The creation of KIT.DOMAINS was inspired by the need to address a common problem in managing multiple domains – monitoring expiration dates and SSL certificates.

In my previous projects, I frequently encountered situations where websites became unavailable due to expired domains or SSL certificates. We all know the consequences of this. I realized the need for a tool that would help avoid such situations by providing a simple and reliable way to monitor them.

As a result, the idea of KIT.DOMAINS was born – a platform that allows centralized domain management, tracking expiration dates, checking SSL certificate status, and receiving instant notifications about any issues. 

My goal is to make this process as simple and efficient as possible for all users.

Was there a particular problem or experience that led to its creation?

Yes, there was a specific incident that led to the creation of KIT.DOMAINS. While working at a previous company, our product unexpectedly went offline because the domain expired. This happened at the worst possible time (January 2nd) and resulted in significant traffic loss for our CPA product. We had simply missed the renewal notice, which was a major setback that day.

This situation made me realize that if a company with a whole DevOps department could face such issues, individual entrepreneurs likely did as well. That’s when I decided to create KIT.DOMAINS to provide a simple and effective solution for monitoring domains and SSL certificates, preventing potential downtimes, and ensuring uninterrupted website operation.

Can you walk us through the initial steps you took when starting to develop?

Of course! The first steps in developing KIT.DOMAINS began with identifying the problem and determining the primary needs of users. This was super easy because I was the main user myself. I looked at what was already on the market and, honestly, found the solutions too complicated for the average user. I wanted to make it as simple as buying a domain. Be a user of your own product.

Kit.domains domain management tool.

Next came the interface. My advice: if you’re like me, a backend developer who doesn’t particularly enjoy front-end work, use a ready-made solution. I used Tailwind CSS, searched for UX components online, and simply used them.

The product launch was done on Product Hunt, and in the first two days, we received 30 registrations. Be prepared to dedicate an entire day to the launch.

How long did it take from the initial concept to the launch of Kit.Domains?

From the initial concept to the launch of KIT.DOMAINS, it took about two weeks. We immediately focused on the core features for the MVP.

This might seem like a short time, but we worked 16-20 hours a day (with coffee breaks, of course). To provide the minimum number of steps for the user, you have to handle everything else “under the hood.” Sometimes, that’s a lot of work.

How does Kit.Domains simplify domain management for busy founders?

At KIT.DOMAINS, we aim to make domain management as simple as possible. Our platform allows centralized management of all your domains from one place, regardless of the registrar. The intuitive interface enables you to add domains with one click, and comprehensive monitoring provides all necessary metrics on a single dashboard. This allows founders to focus on growing their business without worrying about technical details.

We are currently expanding our functionality by adding SEO metrics for domains, providing a more complete picture of a domain’s health and performance.

How does the “zero clicks” functionality work in practice?

The “zero clicks” feature embodies my vision of automation and simplicity. Imagine not having to manually check each domain or SSL certificate, or configure multiple settings to create monitors. Just add the domain to the platform by entering its name – we handle the rest!

Once domains are added, KIT.DOMAINS automatically starts monitoring, removing the need for manual setup. The system continuously tracks the status of domains and SSL certificates and instantly notifies you of any issues.

What strategies do you use to attract and retain users?

We use several key strategies to attract and retain users.

First and foremost, we offer an intuitive and user-friendly product that truly addresses users’ problems with the domain management. We actively collect feedback and quickly implement improvements based on it. We also offer a free plan so users can experience the core benefits of KIT.DOMAINS.

Additionally, we are developing educational content and case studies for our blog to showcase real-world examples of our platform in action. We actively work on creating partnership programs and a referral system to encourage users to recommend KIT.DOMAINS to their colleagues and friends.

How much budget was necessary to bring Kit.Domains to life, and what metrics will you be using to measure the success of your project?

For the development of KIT.DOMAINS, we leveraged our own resources and expertise, which allowed us to manage the budget effectively. The main expenses included external services like hosting and the domain.

In terms of figures:

  1. $17.16 for the domain name
  2. $40 for the server (though it can be as low as $5 on Digital Ocean; I had already purchased one earlier)

To measure success, we will track the number of new users, customer retention rate, positive feedback, and sustainable revenue growth. These metrics will help us evaluate how well our product meets user needs and solves their problems.

What were some of the biggest lessons you learned during the development of your product?

  1. Simplicity is key. Users appreciate intuitive and easy-to-use interfaces.
  2. Automation saves time and reduces errors. Automatic tracking and notifications significantly simplify users’ lives.
  3. obtaining feedback from users early in the development process is crucial. It helps identify and fix issues quickly.
  4. It’s essential to remain flexible and open to changes, as user needs and market conditions are constantly evolving.

Finally! Where can people find more information or resources about Kit.domains?

We aim to make all the necessary information about KIT.DOMAINS as accessible as possible.

To start, visit our official website at kit.domains, where you will find a detailed description of all the product features.

Additionally, you can subscribe to our social media channels to stay updated on the latest news and improvements.

Your questions and feedback are always welcome, and our team is ready to assist you at any time.

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